Wayne Green

Wayne Green

Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 25, 2014

The Spiritual Care Coordinator from hospice that visited my father called me today. I know that is what he is supposed to do, call and check on the "bereaved". It was sweet and he shared how much he apprecited the visit he had with my father and getting to know him. He said he almost felt "cheated" because he didn't get to see him more. It was a very nice call. I couldn't talk much longer as I was already at work, but it is nice to see this service from the other side so to speak. Our company requires someone who has been in contact with the family to call the family within 2 weeks. This is just to check on them, to help them feel like they haven't been forgotten.

I appreciated the call. It did bring up in my thoughts that my father has died, but overall, as a "bereaved" I think it was a nice thing to have them call and check in on me.

I also saw today that the nurse who was on call on the weekends and had seen my Dad a few times over the course of the 2 weeks he as on service and was the nurse who came when he died, donated to his funeral fund. I felt that was incredibly generous and caring. The note that she wrote was to him. I feel very honored for my Dad. He touched many lives in so many postiive ways.....

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